Do your child’s shoes still give enough growing room?
They should be checked 3 months after purchase.
A quick and easy way to see for yourself:
If insole comes out, take it out!
For infants, put insoles up against their feet whilst they are sitting.
For older children, put insoles on the floor and get them to stand on them.
Check there is some space at the end AND that their whole foot fits the width of the insole (bearing in mind their feet can be different lengths and widths)
If the insole is stitched in, get them to stand up. Push your thumb at the end of the shoe, towards their foot (not just down) and feel that there is space.
Run your fingers along the outside edge to make sure you can’t feel their toes trying to go out through the side. A tell-tale sign that shoes are too narrow is when you see a crease in the leather across the bridge of their feet.
For girls shoes, check they are deep enough. You should be able to run a finger under the top of the shoe easily.
Please remember:
I am always happy to check for you and give you an honest opinion.
If I can change to a thinner insole to give you a little extra time without needing to buy more, I always will.
I will check any brand of shoes, whether you have bought them here or not.